RibbonCreator 2016 is a WYSIWYG interface for the development of ribbons. RibbonCreator 2016 has been developed in VB2005 and requires .NET Framework 2.0.
It supports creation of customised ribbons for following controls: Tabs, Groups, Labels, Buttons (large or small), ToggleButtons (large or small), Editboxes, Checkboxes, DropDown Controls, ComboBox Controls, ButtonGroups, SplitButtons (large or small), Galleries (large or small) , Menus (large or small),
DynamicMenu (large or small) and Separators (in Menus also with Text).
You can select images for controls using the appropriate dialog (Office idMso internal images). Also, user-defined images for ribbon controls can be selected and written to a table within an Access database. You can create Screentips, Supertips and Keytips for controls supporting this feature.